Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Part 3

 The element that is strongly represented in this photo is simplicity, I say this because the Soldier is the only thing being focused on, it draws the attention away from the background and into the main focus point which is the soldier's face.

 The element that I see in this picture is Balance, the photo is balanced because the center point of focus is balanced evenly among the right side of the forest and the left side of the forest, it keeps the focus on the middle/key point of the picture.
 The element in this photo is the point of view I say this because the photographer took the photo at a unique angle which is under the main point of focus , the location of the point of view helps draw attention to the main idea which is the man under the blue sky.

The element in this photo is avoiding mergers I say this because by the angle the picture was taken the photographer was able to create a merger in the center of the photo which makes the man in the picture look like he has the sun in his hands.

Part 2

 In this photo president Obama and a middle aged blonde woman are having a conversation and the lady is pointing her finger at the president, there is no specific date or location of the photo but it is taken in the day time preferably in the afternoon. I think she is pointing her finger at him because of an argument or disagreement, she points in a rather angry.
 In this photo a monk named Ying is running through the streets literally on fire while bystanders stand by and take pictures, this photo was taken in the daytime (daylight) in Thailand. He is running around on fire as an act of protesting against his government, he must have set himself on fire with an igniting fluid.
 In this photo a mysterious man (soldier) rides on his horse to try and flee from the fire and disaster, judging by the man's attire this photo might take place in the 1800s or even the late 1700s, location of the photo is unknown but judging off of buildings in the background one could assume it was a small town. The man is on his horse so he can avoid the burning fire and flames and take himself and his horse to safety , he rides horseback and goes through the flames .

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Three Pillars of Exposure: ISO

ISO 200
ISO 3200

1. The ISO is higher so it is able to freeze better , if they used low ISO at  sports game it would be blurry.
2. The author says to always try to use the lowest ISO number possible. 
3. The author says to increase the ISO when there isn't enough light for the camera to be able to capture an image quickly. 

The Three Pillars of Exposure: Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed ( High and Low) 
Low Shutter Speed
High Shutter Speed

A.)  High Speed Shutter
B.) High Speed Shutter
C.) Slow Speed Shutter
D.) Slow Speed Shutter
E.) Medium Speed Shutter
F.) High Speed Shutter 
A.) High Speed Shutter
B.) Medium Speed Shutter
C.) Medium Speed Shutter
D.) Slow Shutter Speed
E.) Slow Shutter Speed
F.) High Shutter Speed

The Three Pillars of Exposure: Aperture


1. The body part that we should relate with aperture is our eyes.
2. The smaller the aperture the larger the f-stop, the higher the aperture the smaller the f-stop.
3. With a smaller f-number it will isolate the foreground from the background to make it look sharper, with a larger f-number it will bring the foreground and other object/factors into focus. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Caption Writing

Who- This is George Mendonsa  an American sailor returning home after serving his time in the navy.
What- The sailor in this photo is kissing a lady in his uniform after returning home.
When- September 3, 1945 the day after the final treaty was signed, ending the war(WWII).
Where-  This photo was taken in Time Square in Manhattan, New York.
Why-  The sailor had kissed the girl as a triumphant act since he wouldn't have to go back to the war.
How- George Mendonsa stops this woman in her tracks after returning home and gives her a big smooch !

 Tommie Smith and John Carlos raise their arms and do the black power salute at the Summer olympics  in Mexico City, Mexico in 1968. The two men show their black power salute to show pride in being the first African-american to get on the podium of the medal winners. Tommie Smith and John Carlos raise their arms and give the black power salute to show that color does not matter and to stand out from the other contestant.

 Bill Iffrig is laying down on the ground waiting to be helped by the nearby officers in the photo in Boston,Massachusetts on April 15, 2013. The man was affected by the explosion that killed three and injured over 100, Bill Iffrig lays injured on the ground.

A group of severely burned and damaged Vietnamese children run for their lives in terror in South Vietnam in 1972 because a South Vietnamese plane dropped a napalm attack on its own civilians and troops,They flee from the napalm attack in south vietnam in fear.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Chia Pet

 If I were to invent a chia pet that I thought would be cool I would make a president lincoln pet.